

Aaron vom Schmutzbart from Swiss/Dutch breeding lines (Pedigree), came to me at the age of 15 months. At his former owner he killed a lamb, so they didn't want him anymore. By the way he didn't even know his name and chased everything from a mouse to a cow. After 2 days he knew his name, after 2 weeks that it's better to come, when I call and after one year he knew that chasing can become quite unpleasent. After that we had a good time together. He was always an individualist, stayed alone in a room, almost didn't need anyone. He only did the work he liked. And he loved area search. He was a certified wilderness area search dog of REDOG Switzerland (Swiss SAR-Association) and he got a special medal for his results in area search trials (Results). He died with 5 1/2 years very suddenly after having been sick one day. He taught me consistency and love and took a piece of my heart with him when he left.

Aaron (carting) and Eddy at the youth festival in Egliswil


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© Copyright by Silvia Dierauer, CH-Egliswil. All rights reserved.
Last update January 9th, 1999.
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